Welcome To Your Neighborhood!

One of the things we hear a lot from residents in South Orange and Maplewood is how great it is to know your neighbors. These connections are often developed through Neighborhood and Block Associations. Neighborhood associations draw people closer to their town government and closer still to their fellow neighbors. They provide forums for residents to discuss and address issues specific to the neighborhood, offer opportunities for making social contacts, and participation can be fun.

Neighborhood associations maintain and improve the quality of life of our towns, increase citizen participation in local decision making, and form effective partnerships between municipal leaders and neighborhood residents.

Neighborhood associations are inclusive, reflecting the diversity which enriches a community. Members can include families, singles, retired people, youths, business owners, faith-based organizations, schools, homeowners, and renters.

There are a host of additional benefits to forming Neighborhood/Block Associations, including: joining neighbors in shared neighborhood projects, welcoming and introducing new residents, providing a support system for neighbors in need, sharing referrals for plumbers, babysitters, landscapers etc., and holding social events like block parties.

Topics that are frequently on neighborhood association agendas include:

  • Neighborhood streets, traffic control and patterns, transportation planning
  • Parks and open spaces
  • Municipal services
  • Community events
  • Neighborhood social events
  • Schools
  • Crime prevention and safety
  • Capital improvements
  • Land Use (zone changes, variances, zoning ordinances)

The Community Coalition on Race can provide a link to your neighborhood association web page (see below). 

Nextdoor is a social network for your neighborhood– a way to connect with neighbors across the two towns. Individuals can sign up at the links below.

South Orange


Below are links to existing South Orange/Maplewood Neighborhood Association web pages or emails.
Academy Heights: https://academyheights.weebly.com/
Berkshire Park:
Borden Park: connect on Nextdoor
College Hill Association

Hilton: Hilton Neighborhood Association Facebook Page

Lower Wyoming Neighborhood Association: no website-connect on Nextdoor

Maplecrest Neighborhood Association: [email protected]

Midland Park:

Montrose Park Historic District: https://mphda.org/

Newstead: no website–connect on Nextdoor

Seton Village Neighborhood Association:

South Mountain: [email protected]

Tuxedo Park Association: [email protected]

Upper Wyoming Neighborhood Association: [email protected]

Valley Street Association

Village Colonials Neighborhood Association (VCNA): [email protected]

West Montrose Neighborhood Association: http://wmnasonj.org/